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Solve the everyday problems of the retail industry with machine learning algorithms, data integration and marketing automation tools.

Working with the retail industry, we design and implement advanced solutions to streamline key processes related to, for example, stocking up and supply chain and sales planning.

Industry problems, we can help you solve

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Lack of accurate sales forecasting

Lack of sales forecast models and reliance on employee knowledge contributes to unnecessary financial losses due to, among other things, loss of short-term products, lack of assortment, and lost sales. We offer advanced sales forecast models that will enable you to optimally stock your shop and warehouse.

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Outdated technology / Outdated systems

The use of outdated technology or neglected systems adds to the technological debt, increases internal IT maintenance costs, and reduces the quality and efficiency of your staff. We modernise and refactor systems to enable further development and increase the efficiency of your team.

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Low customer loyalty

Lack of customer engagement and low customer loyalty reduce shop profits and have a negative impact on brand recognition. Our specialists design, build, and implement applications that provide the best user experience and increase engagement through a user-friendly interface.

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Lack of a single source of customer data

Distributed and inconsistent data residing in different systems slows down your company's processes and operations - prolonging the creation of reports or reducing the effectiveness of marketing efforts. We provide solutions that allow you to make your customer knowledge more consistent and use it to improve more effective marketing activities.

Advanced solutions for the retail industry

Use algorithms to make your business easier

IT solutions for retail

What you can gain with our support

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Advanced sales forecasting models

We use Machine Learning algorithms to build high-end models for sales forecasting and supply chain optimisation. The systems automatically trigger order change requests. They use information about stock levels and historical sales data to do this, reducing handling time and saving resources.

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Development and maintenance of systems

We take care of the IT infrastructure - we take care of the high quality of the code used, improve the performance of existing systems, and enhance their security. Through code refactoring, we facilitate the maintenance and development of your systems, enabling you to dynamically transform and increase your competitiveness in the market.

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Personalising customer experience

We create attractive and efficient applications that increase user engagement by combining them with a gratification system and consolidating the habit of visiting the app and shop. Thanks to digital solutions with a user-friendly and clear interface, you can more easily build your customers' loyalty and monitor user behaviour.

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360 customer view

We build systems that enable you to collect all customer data in one place. We normalise and enrich data in a Data Quality model, providing your business with a complete 360 view of the customer to make better business decisions.

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More effective marketing

We develop solutions using Machine Learning algorithms, which influence the quality and effectiveness of marketing activities by, among other things, analysing sales behaviour, adapting products to users on the basis of their purchasing preferences, or allowing the inclusion of various sales action scenarios.

Effective IT solutions for stationary and online shops

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