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We support the digital transformation of public institutions and create transparent, user-friendly and secure applications and platforms that facilitate communication and trust building between citizens and organisations.

The solutions and systems we have implemented made it possible to increase the efficiency of public administration services, prepare response processes for the state of epidemic, make it easier to confirm identity with available electronic identification means, and store cultural and scientific resources securely and long-term.

Industry problems, we can help you solve

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Outdated systems

Outdated systems and technologies increase the cost of maintaining your IT infrastructure, make innovation difficult, and reduce the quality of your service delivery. We use our expertise to effectively guide you through a digitalisation process that will increase the speed and efficiency of completing tasks while providing user-friendly interfaces.

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Citizens' sensitive data and the provision of critical services make public institutions one of the main targets for cyber attacks. We offer high-end digital solutions to protect data from breaches and cyber threats and we develop systems that comply with strict data protection regulations.

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Open data policy

Public institutions are increasingly expected to make data available to the public in order to ensure transparency of operations. However, this involves additional and time-consuming procedures. We offer solutions that facilitate an open data policy with a high level of data security.

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Low citizen involvement

The work of many public institutions requires the involvement of citizens in decision-making processes and the collection of feedback. We develop and implement transparent, intuitive, and easy-to-use systems that enable citizens to interact with institutions and fulfil their civic duties.

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Communication problems

Lack of adequate tools to communicate and transfer documentation between units and employees, increases the likelihood of errors or data leakage and prolongs daily work. We offer communication and data exchange tools that function in fully secure environments.

Advanced IT solutions at the service of public institutions

Technology makes everyday life easier for millions of citizens

IT solutions for public

What you can gain with our support

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Efficient service delivery

We design, develop, and implement high-quality web portals and digital tools that enable citizens to conveniently access government services, easily submit forms, and make secure online payments. We automate administrative processes to speed up and optimise service delivery by institutions.

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Digital documentation

We introduce systems that enable electronic record-keeping, thus preventing data manipulation, increasing data security and speeding up many tedious processes. The systems also enable information on government activities, budgets, and expenditure to be made available to the public, increasing transparency in the functioning of institutions.

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Increased citizen involvement

We build digital solutions that provide citizens with the ability to easily engage with activities of public institutions, express concerns, or provide feedback on institutional and government actions. Transparent platforms enable users to actively participate in decision-making processes.

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Digital integrations and data security

We create systems using secure login methods that are consistent across all public administration units. We use consistent security standards for each administrative unit to meet the needs of citizens and make it easier for them to access and log into systems.

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Emergency notification systems

We offer solutions for rapid communication with citizens during emergencies. The use of relevant data allows for a more effective response, allocation of resources, and management of public infrastructure.

Effective IT solutions for public institutions

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